CNN saves Camp Lejeune toxic water connection with Alzheimer’s for Mercuralia, May 15, 2023 (Clade X and Operation Warp Speed anniversary)

Federal Government History Medical Military News Secret Societies
Notice the 70% stat *Mercuralia = 70

This is CNN’s top story on May 15, 2023, the 5 year anniversary of Clade X, May 15, 2018, and the 3 year anniversary of Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, May 15, 2020. It reminds us that Clade X was 666 days before the pandemic was declared, and Trump’s “MAGA” is the highest degree of the Satanic church. It also reminds us that May 15 is to celebrate Mercury, and the day known as Mercuralia.,and%202%2C%20found%20in%20AD.

Notice the 70% stat below.

Also notice that the base was built in ’41. *Mercury = 41

It was built the year of Pearl Harbor, 1941

May 15, 2020 was reportedly the day the military’s plan to develop the Covid-19 vaccine began, known as Operation Warp Speed. *5/15/2020 = 5+15+20+20 = 70

Notice also the 155 encoding, like the date, 15/5.

Keep in mind this goes back to August 1, 1953, meaning the 70th anniversary will be later this year.
Ritual = 81 / 81

It goes with Martha Stewart, at age 81, being announced for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover today.

August 1 is the 213th day of the year (Death = 213, Satanic Gematria)
The ruling was March 14, Pi Day, the 73rd day of the year *Sacrifice = 73 *Ritual Sacrifice = 73
1987, the year the case ends in (’53-’87), is 46 years after the base opened *Sacrifice = 46 *Catholic = 46 *Sol = 46 (Sol-die-r)

As for the date, it has a connection to ‘death’ and ‘ritual.’
-August 1 is the 213th day of the year
Death = 213, *Satanic Gematria
-The ruling was March 14, Pi Day, the 73rd day of the year
-*Sacrifice = 73 *Ritual Sacrifice = 73
-1987, the year the case ends in (’53-’87), is 46 years after the base opened
-*Sacrifice = 46 *Catholic = 46 *Sol = 46 (Sol-die-r)

Also, notice it was from ’53 to ’87, 34 years.
Poison = 34, Murder = 34

And as for May 15 in related history…

666 days before the WHO declared the pandemic (March 11, 2020)
-New World Order = 174 *Number of the Beast = 174
-From Switzerland (WHO) to the rest of the world

Warp Speed = 44
Military = 44
Medicine = 44
Hospital = 44
*Pfizer = 44

Donald Trump was #45, but the 44th person to be US President (he declared Op. “Warp Speed).

*Operation Warp Speed came 68 weeks and days into Trump’s administration.
Coronavirus coined in ’68
*Operation Warp Speed declared 480 days after into Trump’s administration.
Illuminati = 120 & 48 (1/20)
Donald Trump = 48

Per Wikipedia, they have Camp Lejeune listed at 246 square miles. What has taken place there has been a decades long coverup, but they are finally opening up about the illegal chemicals dumped there due to all the caner related deaths stemming from that base (my neighbor lost his wife, and she had already lost all four of her sibilings — they all grew up at “Lejeune.” Anyhow, the United States of America is 246 years old right now.

Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune = 263 / 110 / 439 / 151
-263, 56th prime *Society of Jesus=56 *Coronavirus = 56 *Covid Vaccine=56 *Anthony Fauci=56
-439, 85th prime *Iesus Hominum Salvator = 85
-151, 36th prime (666) *Jesus Christ = 151

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