CNN says Covid vaccines have saved nearly 280,000 lives, research suggests, July 8, 2021
What research? Pfizer’s? #Gematriashowswherethenumberscamefrom
And don’t overlook that this news comes on July 8, 2021, or 7/8, like 78. *Jesuit = 78
-Remember, the “pandemic” was declared 78 days after Jesuit Anthony Fauci’s birthday
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“Covid vaccines” = 78 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“280,000 lives” = 78 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Wuhan Coronavirus” = 78 (Full Reduction)
“Covid vaccines” = 222 (Reverse Ordinal)(Wuhan Coronavirus)(Order Out of Chaos)
“Covid vaccines have saved nearly 280,000 lives” = 201 (Reverse Full Reduction)(William Henry Gates)
“Covid vaccines have saved nearly two hundred eighty thousand lives” = 666 (English Ordinal)
“Vaccination” = 666 (English Sumerian)
“Covid vaccines have saved nearly two hundred eighty thousand lives, research suggests” = 6666 (Reverse English Sumerian)