CNN writes about how Biden administration failed to stop ‘total disaster’ with OPEC, October 5, 2022

Notice the tribute to #46, Joe Biden.

Ordo Ab Chao = 46 / 188
Total Disaster = 46 / 188
Bavarian Illuminati = 188
1+2+5+10+20+50+100 = 188
This comes during Yom Kippur, after the big 99 ritual with Aaron Judge.
Yom Kippur = 99 / 144
The United States of America = 99 / 144
President Biden = 144
Jesuit Order = 144
-Look up TIP, 144 days before the election (Transition Integrity Project)

OPEC = 15
Illuminati = 120
120, 15th tri. number
Illuminati = 120
Illuminati founded on 1st day of 5th month, May
15 members added to Skull and Bones each year
Skull and Bones is ‘Masonic’
George Washington was worried about Illuminati’s infiltration of Freemasonry