CNN’s top story on September 1, 2023 is Covid-19

It is September 1, or 1/9, like 19. And Covid-19 is CNN’s top story.
Today leaves 121 days in the year. Who remembers Sirius XM’s Covid channel, channel 121, going with Covid being confirmed in the United States on January 21, 2020, or 1/21.
Revelation = 121
Who remembers the 666 vaccination rituals?
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The shot of the Walgreens marquee is interesting.
“Walgreens pharmacy COVID SHOTS AVAILABLE HERE” = 181(42nd prime)
“Vaccine” = 42
“Jesuit” = 42
*This comes 181-weeks and 2-days after the declaration of the COVID Pandemic.
“Walgreens Pharmacy” = 270
“Event 201” = 270
“Needle” = 27
“Ritual” = 27
This news comes 47-days before the anniversary of Event 201.
“COVID-19” = 47
“COVID Shot” = 47
“Vaccine Shot” = 47
Or a span of 48-days.
“Vaccination” = 48
“Illuminati” = 48
This comes 202-weeks after Event 201.
“Skull and Bones” = 202
This also comes a span of 81-days from Joe Biden’s birthday.
“Walgreens Pharmacy” = 81
“Ritual” = 81/81
This comes 174-days after the anniversary of the declaration of the pandemic.
“New World Order” = 174
*”It seems like everyone has Covid-19. Here’s why this wave is probably worse than the official data suggests” = 1033
1033, the 174th prime
This comes 26-days before the anniversary of the Jesuits being recognized by Rome.
“Virus” = 26
“COVID” = 26
This comes 17-days after the Jesuits’ birthday.
9/1/2023 = 9+1+2+0+2+3 = 17
“Shot” = 17
This comes on the 18th day of the Jesuit’s birthday.
“IHS” = 18
“Sun” = 18
9/1/2023 = 9+1+20+23 = 53
“COVID” = 53
This comes 57-days before Bill Gates’ birthday.
“Bill Gates” = 57
“Vaccine” = 57
“Rome” = 57
“September 1, 2023” = 111
“Vaccination” = 111
Three drops 56
On some other testing kits, it says x3 instead , x is 6 like FOX is 666