Damon Weaver, who interviewed Barack Obama as an 11-year-old child in ’09, is dead at 23, May 1, 2021

Celebrity Federal Government Murder by Numbers News
Murder = 83 (23rd prime number) *End = 23

Damon Weaver interviewed Barack Obama in ’09.

Now he is dead at 23, and 23 is the 9th prime number. *End = 5+14+4 = 23

He was 11 years old at the time of the interview.

And notice he died May 1, 2021, a date with 47 numerology, and the anniversary of the Bavarian Illuminati’s establishment.

5/1/2021 = 5+1+20+21 = 47 *President = 47 *White House = 47 *Damon = 47

Keep in mind May 1 is the 121st day of the year.


Damon Weaver = 49 / 59 / 121 *Welfare = 49 / 59 / 121 *Blood Sacrifice = 121
-Renegade = 59 (Obama’s Secret Service name) *Slave = 59 *Negro = 59 *Rasta = 59


  1. GregRamsey74 on May 16, 2021 at 11:58 am

    “Welfare” = 119 (Reverse Ordinal)

    “Reporter” = 47 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    “First Black President” = 211 (English Ordinal) – 47th prime

    His death came a span of 96-days from Obama’s birthday.

    “Damon Weaver’s Sacrifice” = 96 (Full Reduction)(Freemason)(Masonic Rituals)

    Damon Weaver’s Murder” = 84 (Full Reduction)(Obama’s birthday is 8/4)(United States of America)(Jesuit)

    He was 11 at the time, interviewing the ‘first’ black President.

    “Eleven” = 27 (Full Reduction)
    “Eleven” = 27 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    “First” = 27 (Full Reduction)

    “Eleven” = 63 (English Ordinal)
    “First” = 63 (Reverse Ordinal)

  2. NeoTheHacker on May 16, 2021 at 1:44 pm

    The news of his death comes on 25 date numerology. Damon = 25. Death = 25.
    The news of his death comes 81 days before Obama’s upcoming birthday. Ritual = 81.
    The news of his death comes a span of 11 weeks and 5 days before Obama’s upcoming birthday. Killing = 115.
    The news of his death comes 44 days after his birthday. Kill = 44. (Obama was number 44.)
    The news of his death comes 6 weeks and 2 days after his birthday. Sacrifice = 62.
    He died on the 121st day of the year. Damon Weaver = 121. Blood Sacrifice = 121.
    He died 38 weeks after Obama’s birthday. Death, Murder, Killing, all sum to 38. (He reportedly died from “Natural Causes“ = 38.)
    He died a span of 3 months and 4 days before Obama’s upcoming birthday. Weaver = 34. Murder = 34.
    He died on the 31st day of his age. Obama = 31.
    He died while Obama was 59 years old. Damon Weaver = 59.
    He interviewed Obama on 8/13/09, which had 23 date numerology and now he’s dead at the age of 23.
    He interviewed Obama on the 225th day of the year. (The square root of 225 is 15.) The news of his death comes on the 15th day of the month.
    He interviewed Obama at the age of 11, and now 11 years later he’s dead. Obama = 31 is the 11th prime.
    (He was born on 4/1, the 1st day of the month. He’s dead on 5/1, the 1st day of the month.)

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