David Icke’s daughter dies from ‘long illness’ at 48, one day after Alex Jones returns to Twitter

Celebrity Death Murder by Numbers Secret Societies

Notice the overlap with ‘Kerry Icke’ and ‘conspiracy.’

Even the common stereotype has the gematria of 51 and 57, ‘tin foil hat.’

Kerry Icke is dead at 48, right after the return of Alex Jones the day prior, the man who called 9/11 on July 25, 2001, 48 days before the attack (of course he copied Bill Cooper’s prediction from June of 2001).

David Icke said she died from a ‘long illness.’

She died exactly 32 weeks after the Illuminati’s 247th birthday, May 1, or 5/1.

The Society of Jesus=224 (32 sun rays on their logo) *David=32

His first book was published in ’91, 32 years ago as well.

He is also dead 40 years after taking employment with the BBC. *David=40


Notice this happens while David Icke is 71-years-old, a hot number right now in light of Israel’s very “71 war,” that has started rumors of World War.

And the death came 32 weeks and 2 days after his April 29 birthday.

He has written over 20 books, and his daughter died December 11, the day leaving 20 days in the year, a number connected to ‘death.’


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