David Lynch, accalaimed director, dead at 78, January 16, 2025, four days before his birthday

David Lynch is dead on 62 date numerology, dying Thursday, January 16, 2025 (1+16+20+25=62, Lynch=62, Sacrifice=62, Faustian Bargain=62).

David Lynch has died four days before his 79th birthday (David Keith Lynch=79).
Four is associated with death.
He would have celebrated his birthday on Inauguration Day (David Lynch=48, Donald Trump=48).
And notice where Twin Peaks 4/8 release date ties in.
He was 78, like how Donald Trump is 78 years old.
He is also dead 78 months and day after his headline, posted on Elon Musk’s birthday.

Also, Emphysema ties in with Donald Trump (Emphysema=138, Donald Trump=138, Federal=138).

Notice the population of Twin Peak was 51,201. His birthday was the 201st day of the nation’s age.

For one more point, he has died exactly 35 weeks after the anniversary of Mulholland Drive premiering at Cannes, and he has died on a Thursday (Thursday=35).

For one more point, notice he spent 58 years in show business, a reminder that Donald Trump won the 58th election in 2016 (after numerous 58 related deaths). In this case, he also announced that he had emphysema on August 5, or 5/8, like 58.