Deadly accident on I-35 in Fort Worth, Texas, February 11, 2021
What I find odd about this wreck is the vehicle in the front of the disaster, hauling the military trucks.
Catholic = 35 / 46 *Fort Worth = 46 *I-35
Fort Worth, TX = 56 / 187 *Society of Jesus = 56 / 187
Don’t forget the Jesuits consider themselves a military order, or that this news comes on the 42nd day of the year, February 11, 2021.
Jesuit = 42 / 21
And this weather related tragedy goes with the Agenda 21 goals, which are Jesuit…
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Math Consistencies for 2-11-2021
2+11+2021 = 2034 (Then add these 2+0+3+4)
2034 =&+ 9 = 2043
2043 =&+ 9 = 2052
2052 =&+ 9 = 2061
2061 =&+ 9 = 2070
2070 =&+ 9 = 2079
2079 =&+ 18 (=9)
2+11+20+21 = 54 (Then add these two 5+4)
54 =&+ 9 = 63
63 =&+ 9 = 72
72 =&+ 9 = 81
81 =&+ 9 = 90
90 =&+ 9 = 99
99 =&+ 18 (=9)
2+1+1+2+0+2+1 = 9 (Nothing else to add)
*So, the 8-digit date math constancies are:
2+11+2021 is……. 999999 (=54)
2+11+20+21 is….. 999999 (=54)
2+1+1+2+2+1 is… 900000 (=9)
*Add 999999 + 999999 + 900000 =
2899998 (2+8+9+9+9+9+8 =54 =9)
*Also, 54+54+9 = 117 (important recurring # in every 6-digit sequence involving any order of 1,2,4,8,7,5, … The math consistency I found along with 999999, 636363, and 363636. I will show you)
2+11+21 = 34 (Then add 3+4)
34 =&+ 7 = 41
41 =&+ 5 = 46
46 =&+ 10 (=1) = 56
56 =&+ 11 (=2) = 67
67 =&+ 13 (=4) = 80
80 =&+ 8
2+1+1+2+1 = 7 (Nothing else to add)
*So, the 6-digit date math constancies are:
2+11+21 is…….. 751248 [This always =27 (=9)]
2+1+1+2+1 is…700000 (=7)
* Add 751248 + 700000 = 1,451,248 =
1+4+5+1+2+4+8 =25 =7
*Because everything added to 9, eventually becomes itself again, we must just keep 9 in mind as the dominant number when calculations come to 999999 in date consistencies.
* For instance, 9+11 (1+1=2) = 20 (2+0=20), so 2=2. Another example 9+4 = 13 = 4.
* So, our chart we will extend is the 77 chart only, because in the 6-digit math consistency, only 7 was doubled.
I’ll be posting my charts online somewhere soon, but here is the linear way it’s done (it makes more sense in a chart though):
We’re looking for repetitive # sequences and splice out the one repetitive sequence. Start this way… 7+7(=14=5), then chop off the first number, and add 7+5 (=12=3), then chop off the first number again, and add 5+3 (=8)… Keep going until you hit repetitive #’s, then find the sequence.
Here we go:
775382134729224617865279… (This is where it begins to repeat, because 7+9=16=7… Then 9+7=16=7… Then 7+7=14=5, like our beginning of the sequence.
77 53 82 13 47 29 22 46 17 86 52 79 = 117 (=9, which is the most common number for reduction in these date consistencies… Also, remember how I told you to keep in mind #117, yep, really important #)
Also, notice the 22 in the middle of the above sequence? They’re always paired. 2’s & 7’s, 5’s & 4’s, 1’s & 8’s, each set equalling 9. Notice 2-2’s and 2-7’s = 4+14= 18=9.
To further expand, there are 24 #’s in each sequence that begins with 11, 22, 44, 88, 77 or 55, and they all equal 117. If you pair up the numbers in the 24 sequence of 77, you get:
5, 8, 1, 4, 2, 2, 4, 1, 8, 5 , and 7 7 (look at it closely, it’s the same forward and backward, except for the 77). This is how my chart began. The triad # I found that correlates with the Texas I-35 crash, with 70 cars originally involved per CNN, is using the last three numbers only:
5 7 7
\ / \ /
1 2 1 4
\ / \ /
3 5
l l
3 + 5 = 8
There is so much more to this sequencing! Other numbers that came out strong were:
45, 54, 50, 444, 22 (3x, which is the Masonic 3-22), 40, 25, 52, 13, 14, 23, which add up to these numbers:
9, 9, 5, 3, (4, 4, 4), 4, 7, 7, 4, 5, 5
2- 9’s
2- 7’s
5- 4’s
3- 5’s (3- 5’s wordplay on 35)
1- 3
That’s all for now.
Soup with CJ