Democratic congressman attacked by man with baseball bat, Mercuralia, Monday, May 15, 2023
The Republican ballgame got “shot up,” and now this, with the baseball bat, years later, as we’re getting back into the swing of an upcoming election.

Today, May 15, 2020, is the celebration of ‘Mercury,’ known as Mercuralia.
Gerald Edward Connolly = 103
Mercury = 103
Today is his 47th day of his age.
Mercuralia = 47
Government = 47
Authority = 47
White House = 47
President = 47
Republican = 47
Democrat = 47
Time = 47
D.C. = 47
Time is the ultimate authority.

Mercury travels at 47 kmh through space.
BTW, the Steve Scalise (Republic baseball shooting) shooting happened June 14, 2017, on Trump’s 71st birthday. And regarding Trump, Mercury has an 88 day orbital period.
Trump = 88 & 47

Recall, in 2020, Trump declared Operation Warp Speed on May 15, 2020, Mercuralia.
Poison = 88
And last, the ‘Mercury’ connection to the victim.

FYI, the nearby Nationals have played 40 games this season at the time of this ritual.
Mercury = 40 & 41
They will play their 41st game on Mercuralia.