Denver’s East High School shooting on March 22, 2023, across the street from National Jewish Health

Education Mass Shooting News Secret Societies Shooting

A Denver shooting on March 22, 2023, a date with 68 & 32 numerology?
3/22/2023 = 3+22+20+23 = 68
3/22/2023 = 3+22+(2+0+2+3) = 32
Denver = 68 / 32
CIA = 68

The shooting is at ‘East High School.’

The name of the school connects with ‘Skull and Bones.’

Keep in mind the Yale Avenue exit in Denver is 202…

Today is a span of 202 days to Yale’s upcoming 322nd birthday, October 9, 2023.

And recall, in the King Soopers shooting, also of Colorado, March 22, 2021, the last victim was identified early the next day, at 2:02 AM. Also, that Kroger shooting was followed by another Kroger shooting on February 7, 2022, 322 days later.

Demosthenes = 46 (The source of Skull and Bones, 322)
Staff Members = 46 (Who was supposedly shot)

And let us not forget how important Skull and Bones was to the Sandy Hook shooting…

Also, the Denver Nuggets just happen to be in D.C. tonight, the city that is waging the war against the second amendment, with one ritual like this, after the next.

Go figure the Wizards are on 32 wins, and the coach of the team is on 67 wins.

Washington = 49 *Gun Control = 49 (Denver’s next win is 49)

This news comes on a Wednesday.
Wednesday = 37 / 44
Shooting = 37 / 44

The news comes from ‘Ron Thomas.’
Thomas = 22 (22nd)
Ron Thomas = 48 (22/3, like 223, 48th prime)

The shooting was in the City Park Neighborhood, or 223, on 22/3

Notice the school is right across the street from National Jewish Health.

Keep in mind this happens in March, after the “March For Our Lives” rallies that began after the shooting at Stoneman Douglas, in the very Jewish neighborhood.

Read about Yale’s Hebrew coat of arms here.


  1. laborer2008 on March 22, 2023 at 2:36 pm

    “Energy harvest” = 68 (Reduction)

  2. laborer2008 on March 22, 2023 at 2:41 pm

    “The Weapon” = 44 (Reduction)
    “The Weapon” = 37 (Reverse Reduction)

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