Dodgers win World Series 4-2 on anniversary of 42’s funeral, Jackie Robinson, October 27, 2020

Celebrity History Sports

As predicted before the season began, the Dodgers won their first World Series, in 32 years, on the back of Mookie Betts.

The Dodgers scored 32 runs in total in the 2020 World Series, and Clayton Kershaw improved to 3-2 all-time in the World Series, going 2-0 in 2020. Of course, Kershaw is also 32 years old, and compared to Koulfax, who wore #32.

The Dodgers also went 13-5 in the 2020 postseason. And recall, on Jackie Robinson Day in 2020, August 28, 135 days after the normal April 15 date, they fell to 13-5 away, in the same ball park they won the 2020 World Series in. Read more here:

August 28 was also Chadwick Boseman’s date of death, and he starred in 42, on the movie released April 12, 2013, 135 days after his November 29 birthday. Now following that, the Dodgers have won the World Series 4-2, on Jackie’s funeral anniversary in 1978, on October 27.

Baseball = 54 / 54

There were 54 runs scored in the World Series, 32 by the Dodgers, and 22 by the Rays.

The mockery is thick.

Notice the first black baseball player for the Boston Red Sox, Pumpsie Green, was born October 27, and of course Mookie Betts was traded from the Red Sox to the Dodgers on February 4, 2020, a date written 4/2, in the 42 month, ‘February’. *He won the World Series 266 days later.

Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266

Jesuit = 42 *Jackie = 42

Spike Lee was also Mookie, who wore a Jackie Robinson jersey, in the film Do the Right Thing, released in 1989.

Get out and vote?

That film was set in Brooklyn, the original home of the Dodgers, and it came out 31 years before 2020, and 1 year after the Dodgers last won the World Series, October 20, 1988. *Game 1 was October 20, 2020, the 32 year anniversary.

Spike Lee is 63 at the time of the Dodgers winning.

Rays = 63 *Major League Baseball = 63 *Major League = 63

And by the way, Mookie Betts relative, Terry Shumpert, is 54 years old right now, and he played for the Royals, reminding of the riddle with Super Bowl 54, and Kansas City.


  1. truthisintheair on October 28, 2020 at 9:48 am

    Justin Turner was also born on a date with “56” numerology and tested positive for coronavirus on a date with “56” numerology. The mockery is at an all-time high with covid.

    (11) + (23) + 1+9+8+4 = 56

    (10/27/2020) 1 × 2 × 7 × 2 x 2 = 56

  2. MAP on October 28, 2020 at 10:03 am

    What’s the 2020 connection with 2 LA teams winning this year? (Lakers and Dodgers)

  3. DiscerningKing1 on October 28, 2020 at 4:06 pm

    Score is 1-3 like 13.. LA… 13 prime of 41.. connecting to Kobe Bryant.. man what a script!!

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