Dolly Parton bows out of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominations, March 14, 2022

This news comes 54-days after her 76th birthday, or on her 55th day of her age.
Jesuit Order = 54
Dolly Parton = 55

Notice it is a marketing opportunity for her next album.
And I am sure Rambo loves the butterfly.
Monarch Butterfly = 201
-The Jesuit Order = 201
-Jesuit Order = 54
-54 days after birthday
-Jesuit = 78 / 84
-Parton = 78 / 84
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Her appearance on the Kelly Clarkson Show also aired today, the 55th day of Dolly’s age.
“Kelly Clarkson Show” = 55 (Septenary)
“Seventy Sixth” = 55 (Full Reduction)
-Dolly on her show on the 55th day of being 76.
“Kelly Clarkson” = 76 (Reverse Full Reduction) – 76-year-old Dolly
“Seventy Six” = 54 (Reverse Full Reduction)
-Dolly in the news 54-days after her 76th birthday.
The show advertised Dolly as a music “icon,” and today is 41-days before Kelly’s birthday.
“Icon” = 41 (English Ordinal)
“Bow” = 41 (Reverse Ordinal)(she “bows” out of Rock’N’Roll HOF on the same day)
It is also the 73rd day of the year.
“Icon” = 73 (KFW Kabbalah)
Dolly’s birthday comes 95-days before Kelly’s.
-The Jesuits counter the 95-Theses.
This is also a span of 96-days.
“Bow Out” = 96 (English Ordinal)
“Freemason” = 96 (English Ordinal)
3/14/2022 = 3+1+4+2+0+2+2 = 14
“Bow” = 14 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“HOF” = 14 (Septenary)
Dolly in the news and on the Kelly Clarkson Show on a date with 23 numerology.
3+14+2+0+2+2 = 23
“Dolly” = 23 (Full Reduction)
“Icon” = 23 (Full Reduction)