Donald Trump appears with Emmanuel Macron in Paris, France one day before the reopeing of Notre Dame, December 7, 2024

Catholic Church Federal Fire Freemasonry Government Jesuit New World Order News Secret Societies

Pluto hasn’t been in the sky where it is since 1776, the year the US was born. Again, Pluto has a 248-year orbital cycle, and both the Illuminati and the United States are 248 years old (President Donald Trump=248).

The Palace Trump is at with Macron began construction in 1718, 58 years before 1776. As we have covered for year, this is the number that ties the two men together (Emmanuel Macron=58, Freemasomnry=58… Trump “won” the 58th US Presidential Election in 2016).

breathtaking speed=165 *Scottish Rite=165 (Trump born on June 14, the 165th day)
breathtaking speed=96 *Freemason=96

Trump is in Paris, France, the home of the Jesuit Order, on the 177th day of his age, one day before they reopen Notre Dame, by the numbers.

Trump just “won” the 2024 election 144 days after his birtdhay

For another point about order, when Notre Dame burned, it was 60 days before Donald Trump’s birthday, and now he shows up in France after the 60th US Presidential election, on Pearl Harbor Day.

And again, the Jesuits share the motto, Ad maiorem Dei gloriam, with the 32nd Degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. And fittingly, today is 32 days after the election.

That goes with today being December 7, or 12/7, like 127.

It also goes with the Illuminati being founded by a Jesuit, and with goals of infiltrating Freemasonry.

And in light of Trump meeting with Macron, notice he will be 47 in 14 days.

Trump was just elected #47.

You’ll recall that Macron took office around the same time Trump “won” the 58th US Presidential election. So here they are again.

There’s also a tie in with Notre Dame. Notice the overlap (and the 58).

Read about Macron and Trump’s link from 2017.

Read more about Macron and Trump here.

Read about Emmanuel Macron and the Notre Dame fire of April 15, 2019 here.

Read about the death of Notre Dame’s basketball coach the day before the Notre Dame fire.

Read about the April 15, 2019 Notre Dame fire.

Read about Victor Hugo’s relation to the Notre Dame fire.

Read about Bernard Arnault pledging $226 million towards the rebuilding of Notre Dame.

Google deleted my old post on the Al Aqsa Mosque fire of April 15, 2019, but don’t forget they both happened the same day. And where the Templars helped build Notre Dame, they once used Al Aqsa Mosque as their headquarters in the time of the Crusades.

And once again, the fires were on the 105th day of the year, 15/4, a bit like 154, and 201 is the 154th composite number.

For one last point, they’re reopening Notre Dame 67 months after it burned.

What do they have planned for 2064, 40 years from now?

You could say we’re in the 68th month as well.


  1. DIVINE NUMBERSS on December 7, 2024 at 10:32 am

    Imagine receiving Finds from Rambo, using them and trash talking him every chance you get. Amazing, I sometimes wonder how so much evil could pose as a so called truthseeker, stare into a camera, deliver other people’s research and trash talk them in the process. Yeah you are a special kind of pos smh. You will get exactly what you deserve.

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