Donald Trump wins the electoral college vote over Kamala Harris, 312-226
Notice that Trump got 312 electoral college votes, that is the Chicago area code.
Trump has not beaten Hillary Clinton, born in Chicago.
He also beat Kamala Harris, who held the 2024 DNC in Chicago.
Of course, that is the city connected to Obama, who was President before Donald Trump.
Other US Presidents connected to Chicago are Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant, central figures in the American Civil War, Ronald Reagan, who ran on MAGA, and Barack Obama, who has parallels to Kamala Harris, both one-term Senators, who took the Oval Office with Joe Biden. Keep in mind that Obama “won” the 56th US presidential election, and Kamala Harris took office with Joe Biden at age 56, going with Lincoln being shot at age 56 (Civil War=56, Black Lives Matter=56, Society of Jesus=56, Washington DC=56).
Candyman also died the day the election was called for Trump, November 6. That film is set in Chicago.
Furthermore, Oprah was a central figure in this selection, making Chicago the center of her business empire.
The shot above is from the show Upload, which was released on the Illuminati’s birthday, May 1, 2020,
Next, Kamala got 42% of the electoral college vote.
Malcolm X=42
Muhammad Ali=42
Cosby Show=42
Remember, Kamala’s mom died on the 42nd day of the year, Biden passed the torch to Kamala 42 months after they took office, and Kamala the wrestler died 42 weeks after Kamala Harris’s birthday, two days before Kamala was named the VP nominee by Joe Biden.
That means Trump got 58% of the vote, going with Donald Trump winning the 58th election, and the numerous 58 rituals he participated in in 2016, including the death of Prince, after the 58th Grammy’s. But most importantly, it was Oprah who asked Trump if he would like to be President-elect in 1988.
Oprah Winfrey=58
Purple Rain=58
Secret Society=58
For a bit more, the election was 281 days after Oprah’s birthday, and 281 is the 60th prime number.
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Jesuit link:
Jesuit = 42
Pope Francis = 58
Jorge mario Bergoglio = 312
A DC comic titled Uncle Sam originally published in 1997, was re-released in a new hardback updated and expanded edition right before the election. It’s official title was ‘Uncle Sam:Special Election Edition.’
“Uncle Sam:Special Election Edition” = 312
It’s release came on 8/6, the 54th day of Trump’s 78th birthday;”Jesuit Order” = 54;”Jesuit” = 78;”Kamala Harris” = 86
The writer was Steve Darnall and the artist was Alex Ross.
“Steve Darnall” = 133(President) & 191(Society of Jesus)
“Alex Ross” = 49(Kamala Harris)
The comic was re-released a span of 76-days from Kamala’s birthday(Slave,Negro,Blues,Rasta)
“DC Comics” = 48(Donald Trump/Illuminati)