Dr. Joseph Mountin, the founder of the CDC, another Agent 201

Notice, the founder of the CDC, Dr. Joseph Mountin, is another Agent 201.

Dr. Joseph Mountin = 75 / 78 / 201 / 204
-Catholic Church = 75
-Jesuit = 78
-The Jesuit Order = 201
Joseph Walter Mountin = 87 / 102 / 255 / 258
–Order of Illuminati = 201 / 258
-The Catholic Church = 87
-Number of the Beast = 87
Think of Bill Gates
-Bill Gates = 87
-William Henry Gates = 201 / 258
Mountin was born October 13, the day leaving 79 days in the year.
Society of Jesus = 79
He died April 26, the 116th day of the year.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 116
Recall, the CDC was established July 1, 1946.
Catholic = 46 / 71
And Mountin attended Marquette, the Jesuit program in Wisconsin.