Dr. Paul Farmer, global health leader, dies in his sleep at 62, February 21, 2022

87? Number of the Beast = 87
Paul Farmer? Paul Farmer = 666

He died in Rwanda.
Rwanda = 25 / 38
Death = 25 / 38
-Rwanda = 101
-He is dead 101-days after the Superior General’s birthday
-Rwanda = 61
-Dr. Paul Farmer = 61
He is dead 16-weeks and 6-days after his birthday.
Paul Edward Farmer = 166
He is dead on the 52nd day of the year.
Authority = 52
Government = 52
NWO = 52
*Pope = 52
He is dead in the time of the 266th Pope.
Paul Edward Farmer = 266
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266 / 85
–Butaro = 85 (Where he died)
-Pope Francis is 85
He is dead on the Pope’s 67th day of his age.
Blood Sacrifice = 67
Human Sacrifice = 67
He is dead at 62.
Sacrifice = 62
And FYI, the 33-day Pope died in his sleep in ’78.
Sleep = 21 / 78
Jesuit = 21 / 78
Butaro, Rwanda = 78

His wife is from Haiti who has suffered a lot of JESUIT TRAGEDY by the numbers.
ALSO, check this related tragedy.
Joseph Ritchie dead on 2/22
-Kigali, Rwanda = 56
-Paul Kagame = 56
-Society of Jesus = 56