Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice, Sanjay Gupta’s live TV vaccine partner, December 18, 2020

Celebrity Coronavirus Depopulation Federal Government Pharmaceutical Tyranny Predictive Programming Racism
Grady = 55 *55 was the year the Polio vaccine was stopped due to it killing people…

Read about Sanjay Gupta getting the vaccine on December 18, 2020, 56 days after his birthday: https://gematriaeffect.news/cnns-sanjay-gupta-gets-the-vaccine-on-live-tv-56-days-after-his-51st-birthday-december-18-2020/

In this post, we focus on the woman who was “so comfortable” to get the vaccine, Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice, a name equating to 274, like the Jesuit motto, Iesus Hominum Salvator, and the phrase, ‘coronavirus vaccines’.

Adding insult to injury, she is the Dean of the Morehouse School of Medicine.

Morehouse is in Atlanta, like CNN, and the CDC…

Don’t forget FDA recommended to approve the Pfizer vaccine on December 10, 2020, 8 days before this stunt, and 274 days after the pandemic was declared from Switzerland, the same place Bill Gates declared his decade of vaccines, ten years before 2020.

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