Earnie Shavers, dead at 78, one day after his birthday, September 1, 2022
This man is dead one day after his birthday, and he celebrated his last birthday on August 31, 2022, a date with 81 numerology.
Earnie Shavers = 81
Ritual = 81 / 81
He was 3-0 in ’81.
He is dead at 78.
Jesuit = 78
He was known as ‘The Black Destroyer.’
The Black Destroyer = 191
Society of Jesus = 191
And notice he was from Alabama, and football season is about to get underway.
91, 13th triangular number (Dead on 9/1)
Alabama = 13
Keep in mind today leaves 121 days in the year.
Blood Sacrifice = 121
121, Square Root 11
-Football, 11 on 11