Elvis’ last concert, June 26, 1977 in Indianapolis, 51-days before his death at 42

Elvis last concert was in ‘Indianapolis’ on June 26, 1977, 51 days before his reported death on August 16.
June 26 is the 177th day of the year
Indianapolis is 201 town
-The Jesuit Order = 177 / 201
-Indianapolis = 201
June 26 leaves 188 days in the year
-Market Square Arena = 188
-Bavarian Illuminati = 188
-Illuminati founded by Jesuit Adam Weishaupt
-He renamed it Order of Illuminati
-Order of Illuminati = 201
June 26 can be written 26/6
-Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266 (Jesuit motto)
The concert was on a date with 56 numerology
-6/26/1977 = 6+26+(1+9+7+7) = 56
-Society of Jesus = 56
He died 51 days later
-Rome = 51
-Illuminati founded on 5/1
He died at age 42
-Jesuit = 42
And for all you young ones, Elvis died in Memphis, like Young Dolph, who just died in a 201 ritual.
*You could also say Elvis died a span of 52-days from his last concert.
Graceland = 52
Pope = 52
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They said he looked ‘bloated’ at his last concert. Bloated=56 in the Jewish cipher.