Eric Fleming’s death, September 28, 1966

His July 4 birthday stands out since he drowned.
Drown = 74
Killing = 74
Occult = 74
Jewish = 74
Gematria = 74
English = 74
Masonic = 74
-Jesus = 74
-Cross = 74
-Messiah = 74
-Parables = 74
-Gospel = 74

Catholicism = 68
Mathematics = 68
-Club of Rome founded in ’68

Again, they were officially formed September 27, 1540, so this ritual was one day after that anniversary.

For one last point, Fleming died in ’66.
Fleming = 66
Number of the Beast = 66
-66 Books in the Protestant Bible
–The 66th book teachers about the ‘Number of the Beast’