Ethereum has record day on 93rd day of Vitalik Buterin’s age, May 3, 2021
The man, Vitalik Buterin, has the perfect name for the crypto market.
Vitalik Buterin = 65 / 97
Crypto = 65 / 97
This news comes March 5, 2021, a date expressed 3/5 in Russia.
Catholic = 35
Think about the Catholics and Bitcoin…
And notice how ‘Buterin’, his surname, fits in.
The Jesuits control Bitcoin, so why not Ether, or Ethereum?
Ether = 56 / 79
Society of Jesus = 56 / 79
Notice the 72 connection as well.
7/30/2015 = 7+30+20+15 = 72
72 Million Coins
Jesuit Order = 72
That date can be written 30/7, like 307, the 63rd prime, and this latest news comes while he is 27 years old.
Notice how ‘NFT’ goes with ‘Ethereum’.
NFT = 40 / 41
Ethereum = 40 / 41
This news comes 92 days after his birthday, or on his 93rd day of his age.
And regarding this milestone coming on his 93rd day of his age, notice his full name equates to 154, the number relating to 93.
Read about the relationship between 93 and 154 here.