Eva Evans, TikTok Star, dead at 29, April 21, 2024 news

The news was announced on April 21, 2024, the 112th day of the year.
Club Rat=112 (the Jesuits operate in 112 countries)

Here death was also announced 201 days after getting her show on Prime, Club Rat.

Her birthday is also the 201st day of the year, July 20. She was born in ’94.
Catholic Pope=201
The Jesuit Order=201
Order of Illuminati=201
–Aloysius Lilius=94
–Roman Catholic Church=94
Read more about 94 and the Jesuit implementation of the calendar.
Event 201 simulated the ‘coronavirus pandemic.’ *Cornavirus Pandemic=94
The World Trade Centers were opened on the 94th day of 1973 (April 4).
The city of Seattle has a lot to do with 9/11 and covid. *Seattle, Washington=94
The list goes on, but understand Seattle is a Jesuit stronghold, like New York. It’s because of the Jesuit Univeristies they have in their cities.
And don’t forget July 20 is the anniversary of the moon landing. *Neil Alden Armstrong=201
She was born on the 25th anniversary. *Death=25 *Time=25 *Earth=25 *Vatican=25 *Pope=25
And the news of her passing came on a Sunday, on the 127th day of the Pope’s age.
Eva Evans=127 (31st prime — 31, 11th prime — Pope=11, NY 11th state)
The premise of the show has the ‘127’ connection. *Self Absorbed Influencer=127
The sun has an 11-year cycle. *Sun=54 *Jesuit Order=54 (House of Gesu, Building 54)
You could also say she died 126 days after the Pope’s birthday. *TikTok Star=126
That goes back to John Carroll founding Georgetown at 54. *John Carroll=126 & 54
And don’t overlook that her show came out on Jesuit-controlled Amazon on 10/3. *Jesuits=103

She is from Manhattan and died at 29. *Manhattan=29 (11)
Recall the story about the woman who died on 11/2, at age 29, in Manhattan (at the Occulus).
Read more about Manhattan and 29 here.