Father of Titans Caleb Farley killed in home explosion, late, August 21, 2023, on Hawaii’s birthday

Natural Gas Explosion = 108 *Directed Energy Weapon = 108 *Explode = 108

THEY ARE USING THIS STORY TO TALK ABOUT THE DANGERS OF NATURAL GAS. Getting rid of natural gas has clearly become part of the Agenda 21 & 2030 plan. It is a major political target.

The explosion comes 81 days after the state’s birthday, June 1, 2023.
Natural Gas Explosion = 81
President Biden = 81
Ritual = 81 & 81
*Explode = 81
And here’s the Chris Farley connection.

The explosion was at the very end of August 21, 2023, before midnight, still on Hawaii’s birthday.

It was also 201 days after the attack on natural gas by the Joe Biden administration, February 1, 2023.

We just talked about how Biden was born 201 months and one day before Hawaii.
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
It reminds me of the Titans vs. Patriots game the day of the false alert in Hawaii, when Marcus Mariota of Hawaii was the Titans QB, at the time of the Titan missile scare. Read more about that ritual here.
Tennessee = 137
Hawaii, 137 islands
-137, 33rd prime
–Hawaii = 33
Funny enough the Titans and Patriots play next, August 25.

Think of Tom Brady, born 201 years after the country and the Illuminati.
This happens to the $3 million dollar house #3’s 3rd season, Caleb Farley.

Genesis 3, the Serpent, and and S is like an $. This story is about the $3 million home that exploded.
He wears #3.

This happened on his 293rd day of his age, the 62nd prime.
Mooresville = 62
Queen = 62 (Queen City news)
Sacrifice = 62
Torah = 62
*Faustian Bargain = 62
His father was 61, meaning in his 62nd year of life.
And adding insult to injury, his mother died 293 weeks before his father.

His father died 33 weeks after the anniversary *Hawaii = 33 *Tennessee = 137 (33rd prime)
We made a big point about the Mayor of Hawaii being in his 62nd year of life, and Maui burning days after Obama’s 62nd birthday.
Caleb Farley is even listed as 6’2″.

Maui burned up on the day leaving 145 days in the year (August 8).
*Mooresville = 145
*Robert Farley = 145

This happened the day of Hawaii’s 64th birthday. *Maui 64 & 44
Joe Biden = 152, 64 & 44
Hawaii burned on its 353rd day of its age (71st prime)
The Governor on the 71st Jesuit
179, 41st prime *Pearl Harbor in ’41
–Super Bowl = 41 & 131 (News breaks 8/22, the day leaving 131 days in the year)
–Christian Rogers = 183 *Pearl Harbor = 183 *Order Out of Chaos = 183
-He is the other victim in the explosion

And in light of 179, the Titans play the Chargers, with a lightning bolt, on September 17, or 17/9, the day that is Patrick Mahome’s birthday. It’s also the NFL’s birthday.

In light of the news station, the Queen died on the NFL opening day last year, September 8.
The Queen City, Buffalo, won that game, on the Virgin Mary’s birthday.
Catholic = 145 (145 more chapters in OT)
-Think of the relationship with Buffalo and Titans in NFL history (it’s there)
Joe Biden’s the nation’s second Catholic president.
Catholic = 46 & 145 (46 books, 145 more chapters in Catholic OT)
JFK killed at age 46 (JFK, #35, Catholic = 35)
And for one last related point, this explosion happened on 72 date numerology.
8/21/2023 = 8+21+20+23 = 72
Jesuit Order = 72
President Biden = 72
JFK met with the Pope on 7/2.
The date can be written 6/1, like how the father was 61.
God = 61
The 16th state, founded 1/6. Think of the Jesuits, in the 16th Century.
SJ = 16
And notice the ‘Titans’ name came in ’99.
Directed Energy Weapon = 99

The Oilers were in Houston, a refining city, before they went to Tennessee.
Again, this is about Agenda 2030, to limit green house gasses.
And this story is targeting, again, natural gas.
For one last point, that upcoming game is on 25/8 and the house exploded 174 days before the February 11, 2024 Super Bowl.
Number of the Beast = 174 & 258
–Beast = 88 & 47 (Hawaii on 8/8)
-Tennessee = 47
New World Order = 174
Order of Illuminati = 258
It goes with this being news on August 22, the day leaving 131 days in the year.
Super Bowl = 131
Championship = 131
It is a clue for things to come, it does not mean the Titans are in the Super Bowl.
Think about the warning from the exiting US President about the “Military Industrial Complex.”
Military Industrial Complex = 322 & 353
-Hawaii burned up in 322 ritual
-Hawaii burned up on the 353rd day of its age
In light of that, Farley was drafted April 29, 2021, the 119th day of the year. Think about what happened on 11/9, or the 11th of September, in 2001, the year he turned 3.
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Caleb Ray Farley = 62 FR
One correction:
The explosion took place on 8/22/2023, not the 21st, so it had 73 numerology, not 72.
This means it was 293 days (without the span) after Caleb Farley’s birthday.
This also means it was 72 days before Caleb Farley’s birthday, or a span of 73 days, so 72 is still relevant. “Mooresville, NC” = 72