FBI says credible threat to Jewish synagogues in New Jersey, November 3, 2022 (on day Netanyahu returns to power in Israel)

On November 3, or 11/3, there is a threat to synagogues in New Jersey.
Read about 113 and the Holocaust here.
Read about 113 and the Talmud here.

And as for why New Jersey…
New Jersey = 119
Orthodox = 119
Ashkenazi Jews = 119
Star of David = 119
And notice today Netanyahu is back in power in Israel.

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“credible information of a broad threat” – 33-letters
-“Holocaust” = 33 (Full Reduction)
“Likud” = 33 (Reverse Full Reduction)(his party)
“Synagogues” = 137 (Reverse Ordinal)(33rd prime)
“credible information of a broad threat” = 149 (Jewish Reduction)
“Revelation” = 149 (Reverse Ordinal)(Netanyahu’s birthday in ’49 on 10/21(121)
“Skull and Bones” = 149 (English Ordinal)
-Bush family ties to the Nazis
“FBI” = 17 (English Ordinal)
“FBI” = 17 (Full Reduction)
-“Seventeen” = 44 (Reverse Full Reduction)
11/3/2022 = 11+3+20+22 = 56
“Washington, D.C.” = 56 (Full Reduction)
“Society of Jesus” = 56 (Full Reduction)
11/3/2022 = 1+1+3+2+0+2+2 = 11
“Jew” = 11 (Full Reduction)
“Jesus” = 11 (Full Reduction)
This came on the 308th day of the year.
“Jewish Nation of Israel” = 308 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Jew” = 38 (English Ordinal)
“Jewish Nation of Israel” = 119 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Jacob becomes Israel” = 113 (Reverse Full Reduction)
This came 43-weeks and 6-days into the year.
“New Jersey” = 43 (Full Reduction)
“Synagogues” = 43 (Full Reduction)
“Jew” = 43 (Reverse Ordinal)
“broad threat” = “Catholicism” = 68 (Reverse Full Reduction)/ 112 (English Ordinal)/185 (Reverse Ordinal)
Benjamin Netanyahu’s 73rd birthday came on a date with 73 numerology.
10/21/2022 = 10+21+20+22 = 73
-“Sacrifice” = 73 (English Ordinal)(Old Testament Israel)
10/21/2022 = 10+21+2+0+2+2 = 37
-“Israel” = 37 (Single Reduction)
This came 13-days after his birthday.
10/21/1949 = 10+21+19+49 = 99
“The Jews” = 99 (Reverse Ordinal)
-“Thirteen” = 99 (English Ordinal)
-13 original American colonies(JerUSAlem)
This came a span of 174-days from Israel’s 74th birthday.
“New World Order” = 174 (English Ordinal)