FDA approves first RSV vaccine for 60+, six decades in the making, May 3, 2023 (on day of Atlanta mass shooting)

1 dead, 4 injured, is the headline.
Dead = 14 & 14
The funny thing about RSV and Atlanta Georgia being top headlines today is…
Atlanta, Georgia = 59
RSV = 59
*Pope Francis = 59
*Benedict stepped down on 59th day, for Francis
*Joe Biden became #46, 46 weeks after the Pope’s birthday, in 59th US Pres. Election
For another 59, Brian Kemp, the Georgia Governor, is 59-years-old.

This happened on his 183rd day of his age. *Order Out of Chaos = 183
-That is 26 weeks and 1 day *Chaos = 26 & 19
–Deion Patterson = 67 (19th prime) (The suspect)
And today is 137 days after Pope Francis’s birthday.
137, 33rd prime
ATL on 33rd Parallel (ATL = 33)
Federal = 33 (FDA means federal approval)
Secrecy = 33
Police = 33
Order = 33
Masonry = 33
D.C., the Masonic City, the ‘federal’ city.
And Atlanta, on the 33rd Parallel, is where the CDC is, who partners often with the FDA.
Keep in mind 33 breaks down to 6, like 60, like the vaccine for 60+, and supposedly 6 decades in the making. It goes with today’s date numerology being 15 and 6. And it goes with man being made on the 6th day, in the BIble.
5/3/2023 = 5+3+2+0+2+3 = 15
15 is 1+5 = 6 (Numerology breakdown)

And all the 6’s remind that ‘vaccination’ equates to 666.

Plus today, the fed raised rates above 5% for the first time since 2007, meaning they are now approaching 6%.

Thank you for the shot of cop #333516.
This comes on a date with 51 numerology, May 3, 2023. 5/3/2023 = 5+3+20+23 = 51
It comes in Fulton County.

It comes on the 123rd day of the year.

No doubt the feds are there.

And don’t forget that “Sandy Lindsay” was the first vaccinated American, December 14, 2020, on the eight year anniversary of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut shooting, December 14, 2012.
Shots, guns…
Shots, vaccines…
Then Curry passed the University of Connecticut shooting star, Ray Allen, December 14, 2021, in three point shots made.
Shots, basketball…
Jokes for days… ancient linguistic magic for centuries…
History is unfolding by the scriptures, but many people don’t see it, because they don’t know things such as the meaning of 666, or why it is important the Clade X pandemic simulation of May 15, 2018, came 666 days prior to March 11, 2020, the date the coronavirus pandemic was declared. Of course, that was prior to the mass vaccinations.

The Holy Bible = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
Event 201, Oct. 18, 2019, just before the pandemic
-Event 201 was put on by Klaus Schwab, a Jesuit
-Klaus Schwab = 120 / 69
-Illuminati = 120 / 69
-Klaus Schwab = 177
-New World Order = 177
-The Jesuit Order = 177 & 201
-William Henry Gates = 201 & 258
–Order of Illuminati = 201 & 258
–Number of the Beast = 258

This news comes 69 weeks and 2 days after he became Mayor.
Atlanta = 69 & 48
False Flag = 69 & 48
Illuminati = 69 & 48
Today is May 3, or 5/3. Notice, his name equates to 53, a theme in the news today.
Andre Dickens = 53

“Dickens.” In a predominantly black city. I’ll let you think about it…
Andre DeShawn Dickens = 181
181, 42nd prime number
Andre = 42
And the rest of the long list. Including Hank Aaron retiring at age 42, like Jackie, #42.
Jackie = 42
Slavery = 42
Tuskegee = 42
And so on.