FDA authorizes Pfizer & Moderna’s updated Covid-19 boosters, August 31, 2022
This comes on a Wednesday, the day of the week named after Mercury, a huge theme with the ongoing pandemic. And don’t forget that Mercury is the “201” element.
Adding insult to injury, today is 129-weeks after the pandemic was declared.
129 is 201 in base 8 counting
201 is 311 in base-8 counting (3/11 pandemic start — after Event 201)
Also, today is the 243rd day of the year, leaving 122 days remaining. And it serves as a reminder that every inch of Covid is highly Satanic.
Satanic = 122
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 122
-Don’t forget Clade X, on Mercuralia, 666 days before the pandemic was declared
As for the 243, you know what agency that number represents.
Central Intelligence Agency = 243
Kobe Bean Bryant = 243 / 81 (8+31+20+22 = 81)
–Central Intelligence Agency: United States of America = 201
Also, today is 42 days after the Moderna’s CEO’s July 20 birthday.
Vaccine = 42
Jesuit = 42
Math = 42
It is also 314 days after the Pfizer CEO’s October 21 birthday.
Pi = 3.14
And finally, it is also exactly a span of 44 weeks into Bill Gate’s age (born Oct. 28, 1955).
Seattle = 44
Execution = 44
Kill = 44
Medicine = 44
Military = 44
Warp Speed = 44 (The plan to develop the vaccines)
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SATAN’S MINISTERS (the jesuit order) is ROWING INTO THE 666 DEEP
903 days since the pandemic was declared
“coronavirus” = 930 (English Sumerian)
903 is the 42nd triangular number
Jesuit = 42
Vaccine = 42
Kim Kong Un reportedly got Covid now too
903d (42 triangular) or 129w after the pandemic was declared
Kim Jong Un = 42, 129