FDA votes to approve Merck’s Covid-19 pills (with the 82 on them) on 82 date numerology, November 30, 2021

True to form, on the 82 date numerology, the 82 pills get approved.
11/30/2021 = 11+30+20+21 = 82

And notice, the other top story in the news today is the Oxford shooting.

Keep in mind this ritual takes place while the CEO of Merck is 53-years-old.

And don’t forget that Covid-19’s global outbreak started in ‘Seattle.’

Or that the lockdowns followed on March 22, 2020, the 82nd day of the leap year.
And don’t forget that Pfizer has been the biggest profiteer off of this scam to date.

And also, don’t forget this is all bout the Jesuits, an order that began with Ignatius of Loyola.

Adding to the ritual, Merck asked the FDA for authorization 50 days earlier, October 11, 2021.

November 30 leaves 31 days in the year.

And notice below, the vote was 13-10, meaning there were 23 votes, right for ‘Merck’ and ‘Pills’.

As for the 13 votes for “molnupiravir”, it reminds me of the Illuminati.
Molnupiravir = 69
Illuminati = 69
Catholic Church = 69
The New World Order = 69

Ridgeback = 42 / 57
-Vaccine = 42 / 57
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Right in our faces as usual
“COVID-19 Merck Pills” = 82 (Full Reduction)
“COVID-19 Merck Pills” = 181 (English Ordinal)(42nd prime; “Vaccine” = 42 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Eighty-two” = 666 (Reverse English Sumerian)(more ‘beast’ ritual)
“Number 82 on the pills” = 87 (Full Reduction)(Number of the Beast)
This news came 43-days after the anniversary of Event 201
“Pandemic” = 43 (Reverse Full Reduction)
This news also came 38-days after Ignatius of Loyola’s birthday(his 530th)
“Pandemic” = 38 (Full Reduction)
This also came a span of 8-months and 20-days from the anniversary of the declaration of the pandemic.
‘Authorization’ = ‘The Jesuit Order’ = 177/69(how appropriate)
“FDA advisers vote to recommend authorization of a pill to treat Covid-19” = 282 (Full Reduction)(28 & 82)
Merck pharmaceutical = 82
I have been on different medication for over 2 years for my Genital Herpes Virus and I usually have outbreaks which come every 3 months on my genital area which is itching blisters, I was recommended to Doctor Nelson Salim, a herbal specialist on this blog site by his previous client who was cured from different diseases. At first I thought it was a scam because I was told there is no Medical Cure yet, but I decided to take the risk because of the stigma the virus has. I placed an order for his product which I received at my address through DHL service within 4 days which was a bit expensive, and with the doctor’s directions I used the herbal product for 21 days. The first week I discovered a huge difference in my health, my outbreak stopped alongside the itchiness after concluding the treatment, I went for a PCR test which confirmed negative to the Herpes Virus with no trace of the virus on my blood. I recommend his product to anyone with Yeast Infection, Epstein Barr, Lupus, Psoriasis, HPV, Genital Warts, Diabetes, natural cure for Cancer without Chemo or surgery, Uterus tumor, Prostate, Fibroid, Arthritis, Cholesterol, Hepatitis B there is no disease without natural cure let’s stop been deceived by big Pharma. who are only interested in their pocket, not human health, get your herbal medicine and get cured from your health problems; his mail; drnelsonsalim10@ gmail. com
Merck COVID Pills=82
This shooting came as Moderna admitted their vaccine wouldn’t work, while the OXFORD Vaccine team were excited because it turns out their vaccine will (so they say) https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1529179/astrazeneca-vaccine-oxford-university-no-evidence-omicron-escape-jab-new-variant
*Merck COVID PILL=82
Merck COVID-19 Pills=82