Fire at Denver Bronco’s Empower Field, March 24, 2022, on Peyton Manning’s 46th birthday

Fire Sports

This news comes March 24, 2022, Peyton Manning’s 46th birthday. Of course he won Super Bowl 50, the 46th Super Bowl of the modern era.

March 24 is the 83rd day of the year.
Colorado = 83 / 38
Football = 83
Russell = 83
Fire = 38

-Colorado, 38th State

The Broncos picked up Russell Wilson on March 8, or 3/8, or 8/3.

He beat the Broncos in the Seahawks 38th season.

*The 83rd March Madness is going on right now.


  1. GregRamsey74 on March 24, 2022 at 5:43 pm

    “Fire” = 46 (KFW Kabbalah)
    “Eighteen” = 46 (Full Reduction)(fire on #18’s 46th birthday)
    -This reminds me of the show, “Chicago Fire,” in light of Manning beating Chicago for his first Super Bowl that ended in a total of 46-points.
    “Chicago” = 46 (English Ordinal)

    “Empower Field Fire” = 83 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    “set a fire” = 83 (English Ordinal)
    “set a fire” = 38 (Full Reduction)

    “Empower Field at Mile High Stadium Fire” = 201 (Reverse Single Reduction)

    This news on 3/24 comes 3-months and 24-days after Russell Wilson’s 33rd birthday.

    Wilson’s birthday, the 29th of November.

    “Fire” = 29 (Full Reduction)
    “Wilson” = 29 (Full Reduction)
    “Football” = 29 (Full Reduction)
    “Masonic” = 29 (Full Reduction)

    This also comes 115-days after his birthday.

    “Arsonist” = 115 (English Ordinal)
    “Masonic” = 115 (Reverse Ordinal)

    This fire also occurred 250-days before Russell Wilson’s 34th birthday.

    “Russell Wilson Traded” = 250 (English Ordinal)
    “Fire” = 25 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    “Arsonist” = 34 (Full Reduction)

    This is also 8-months and 5-days.

    “Mile High Stadium” = 85 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    “National Football League” = 85 (Full Reduction)

    This comes 46-weeks and 3-days from Super Bowl 57.

    This also comes 40-days after the anniversary of Super Bowl 48.

    “Broncos” = 40 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    Or a span of 41-days.

    “Super Bowl” = 41 (Full Reduction)

    This comes 168-days before the start of the 2022 Season.

    “Super Bowl LVII” = 168 (Reverse Ordinal)

    Or a span of 169

    “Empower Field Fire” = 169 (English Ordinal)
    “Russell Wilson Traded to Broncos” = 169 (Reverse Full Reduction)

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