Foo Figthers drummer Taylor Hawkins dies in Colombia hotel, March 25, 2022
Once again, it is the drummer.
Drummer = 38 / 97
Murder = 38 / 79
Death = 38 / 97
Killing = 38
RIP = 38
This news comes shortly after the Foo Fighters joined the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
He is dead 28-years after the establishment of the band.
Taylor = 28
Kill = 28
Seattle = 28 / 107 (28th prime)
Ritual Sacrifice = 107
He is also dead 28-days after the release of Studio 666, February 25, 2022.
Kurt Cobain died on the 95th day of the year, April 5, 1994.
Oliver Taylor Hawkins = 95
He died 36-days after his birthday, on the 84th day of the year. And the Foo Fighters were just inducted into the 36th Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Jesuit = 84
IHS = 36
Foo = 36
Rockstar = 666
666, 36th tri. number
And notice he is dead 146-days after the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Ceremony of October 30, 2021, and again, in ‘Colombia.’
Colombia = 146
Again, the Society of Jesus are behind these rituals.
Jesus Christ = 146
Furthermore, he is dead 70 days after Dave Grohl’s birthday, on a 70 date numerology.
3+25+20+22 = 70
Colombia = 70 / 146
Church of Satan = 70 / 56
-Studio 666 released on 56th day of the year
Society of Jesus = 56
Vatican = 70
Grohl is in his 54th year of life, and Kurt Cobain was assumed dead April 5, or 5/4.
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54
He is 53. *David Grohl = 53
For one last point, he died at age 50 on a 50 date numerology as well.
3/25/22 = 3+25+22 = 50
Satanic = 50
San Francisco = 50
-Church of Satan established in S.F.
–He is dead 10-days before Cobain anniversary
–He is dead 10-weeks after Grohl’s birthday
—Satan = 10
—OD = 10
Update: They’re now saying he had at least 10 substances in his system.
Read about the death of Kurt Cobain in relation to Dave Grohl here.
You could also say Cobain died on Grohl’s 82nd day of his age, and 44-days after his own birthday.
He died at the ‘Four Seasons.’
This is a Spring killing ritual, with the typical 44 encoded.
For one last point, he died on Jay-Z’s 112th day of his age, also a member of the 36th class.
’97 was Jay-Z’g big year, after the death of Notorious. And Taylor Hawkins joined Foo Fighters the same year. Go figure.
Notorious = 97
Drummer = 97
Death = 97
Keep in mind Dave Grohl was raised Catholic, and attended this school located at building number 201, Bishop Ireton High School.
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
And again, Studio 666 released on the 56th day of the year.
Society of Jesus = 56
Church of Satan = 56
In the trailer, Dave Grohl kills Taylor Hawkins with a ‘cymbal.’
Cymbal = 56 / 34
-Murder = 34
-Colombia = 34
-Beast = 34
The film is based on their recording of the album Medicine at Midnight.
Medicine at Midnight = 95
Oliver Taylor Hawkins = 95
Six Hundred Sixty-six = 95
The Bavarian Illuminati = 95
He is dead 59-weeks after the release of that album, and 44-weeks after the start of the Ignatian Year. Of course, 59 appears at the 44th digits of Pi.
Kill = 44 / 59
He is also dead 413-days after its release.
Medicine at Midnight = 413
Also, Alanis Morissette, who Hawkins used to drum for, who is 47, fits in with the beast theme.
Beast = 47
Rock = 47
Colombia = 47
Also, in light of the Foo Fighters being established in ’94, this death comes right before the 94th Academy Awards, hosted March 27, 2022, the 86th day of the year.
Blood Sacrifice = 86
Human Sacrifice = 86
Update: They’re blaming drugs for his “heart attack.”
Heart Attack = 36
-Medicine at Midnight, released on 36th day of year
-Hawkins dead 36-days after his birthday
-Foo Fighters into 36th R&R Hall of Fame
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36 days after his birthday, “Oliver” (36) died on a “Friday” (36). “Dave Grohl” (151, 36th prime)
Chris Cornell 136-64-188-71
Christopher Cornell 218-101-268-97
Christopher John Cornell 265-121-329-113
Edwin Reuben Hawkins 205-88-281-101
Edwin Hawkins 140-59-184-67
Kurt Cobain 114-42-156-66
Steve Hawking 144-54-180-63
Taylor Swift 168-51-129-66
Taylor Hawkins 176-59-175-76
Jay Z gets his name from the Jayzuits?
First final 4 game 44-50…those are some interesting numbers in light of this story.
First game to get to the final 4….my bad.
“Dave Grohl Releases Metal EP As Fictional Band Dream Widow”
Fictional Band = 56
Dream Widow = 56
more 201 and 102 connection:
foo fighter drummer 201 102 258 87
foo fighters drummer 220 103 266 95
Iesus Hominum Salvator 274 85 266 122
What does Foo Fighters stand for?
unidentified flying objects
Conspiracy 123
unidentified flying objects 267 123
The tenth album by the Foo Fighters called Medicine at Midnight = 167 the 39th prime, 103 the 27th prime and 95. It also equals 413 in the the Jewish cipher. From the date of the album’s release 5 February 2021 to the date of Hawkins death 25 March 2022 is a span of 413 days not including the end date! HOW improbable is that? Also the date of the album’s release is the 36th day of the year to tie in with the movie Studio 666. 666 is the 36th triangular number. The premiere of the movie Studio 666 was 25th February 2022 and from this date to Hawkins death is 28 days later. Hawkins passed away on a 28 date numerology. In a book titled “The Storyteller Tales of Life and Music” Grohl calls Hawkins his “brother from another mother, my best friend, a man for whom I would take a bullet.” The book released 4th October 2021. From this date to the date of Hawkins death is a total of 5 months and 3 weeks like the current age of Dave Grohl. Also the release date of Grohl’s book Storyteller to the date of Hawkins’ death is a span of 173 days, like Roman Catholicism.
This is Joshua Krantz from the live chats during your broadcasts.
Also the film Studio 666 was released by a film company called Open Road Films. Open Road Films = 147, 66, 204, 69. The 11th triangular number is 66. When you add LLC to the end of it like it is on Wikipedia, Open Road Films LLC = 174, 75, 258, 87. 174, 66 and 258 all equal Number of The Beast. Since Arturo Sosa’s last 12th November birthday to the date of Hawkins death is 19 weeks and 1 day counting the span, like 191 and Society of Jesus. From 25th March to Sosa’s upcoming birthday is 7 months and 2 weeks, like 72, representative of Jesuit Order as well as “the Vatican City State”
Grunge= 36