Fort Hood soldier’s dead body found 56 days after last Fort Hood soldier, August 25, 2020 | RIP Elder Fernandes

Read about Vanessa Guillen of Fort Hood being identified on July 5, 2020, after being found on June 30:
From the discovery of her body, to the discovery of Elder Fernandes, was 56 days later.

Hood = 42 *Jesuit = 42
Fort Hood = 47 / 115 *Francis = 47
This news comes a span of 115 days to Pope Francis’ 84th birthday, December 17, 2020. And recall, Vanessa Guillen’s body was identified 201 days after Pope Francis birthday, on July 5.

Read about Pope Francis, the Jesuits, and 201:
Keep in mind, July 5 can be written 7/5, like 75.

Elder Fernandes = 67 *Blood Sacrifice = 67 / Human Sacrifice = 67


Killeen has the ‘blood sacrifice’ connection as well.

For another familiar pattern, from Guillen’s disappearance on April 22, to Fernandes’ disappearance, was a span of 118 days.

Don’t forget the show Numbers ran 118 episodes… about solving homicides.