Francis Lee Bailey, whose clients included O.J. Simpson, dead at 87, June 3, 2021
F. Lee Bailey is dead at 87, on June 3, or 3/6.
–666, 36th triangular number
–Number of the Beast = 87
Notice his name has the 84 connection as well and he died on the 84th Meridian West.
–Francis Lee Bailey Jr. = 84
-Lawyer = 84
-Simpson = 84
-Jesuit = 84
For another interesting point, notice how ‘trial lawyer’ and ‘Jesuit Order’ overlap; 54, 72, 144 and 153.
And don’t overlook that he died 7 days before his birthday, in the year of 7s.
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He died on a date that can be written as 3/6. Bailey = 36. He died 36 days before OJ Simpson’s upcoming birthday.
OJ Simpson’s nickname is “The Juice“ = 36. The OJ Simpson trail ended on “October 3“ = 36.
Today’s date can also be written as 6/3. OJ Simpson was born on 63 date numerology.
He died on 50 date numerology. OJ Simpson = 50.
He died while OJ Simpson is 73 years old. Ritual Sacrifice = 73. Sacrifice = 73.
He died 25 years after the OJ Simpson trail ended. Death = 25. June 3 = 25.
He died on 30 date numerology. Lawyer = 30.
He died on the 154th day of the year. Ritual Sacrifice = 154.
June 3 = 53. F. Lee Bailey = 53.
June Third = 46. F. Lee Bailey = 46. Sacrifice = 46. (He died on a “Thursday“ = 46.)