Francis Lee Bailey, whose clients included O.J. Simpson, dead at 87, June 3, 2021

Celebrity Legal Murder by Numbers News

F. Lee Bailey is dead at 87, on June 3, or 3/6.
666, 36th triangular number
Number of the Beast = 87

Notice his name has the 84 connection as well and he died on the 84th Meridian West.
Francis Lee Bailey Jr. = 84
-Lawyer = 84
-Simpson = 84
-Jesuit = 84

For another interesting point, notice how ‘trial lawyer’ and ‘Jesuit Order’ overlap; 54, 72, 144 and 153.

And don’t overlook that he died 7 days before his birthday, in the year of 7s.


  1. NeoTheHacker on June 4, 2021 at 6:33 am

    He died on a date that can be written as 3/6. Bailey = 36. He died 36 days before OJ Simpson’s upcoming birthday.
    OJ Simpson’s nickname is “The Juice“ = 36. The OJ Simpson trail ended on “October 3“ = 36.
    Today’s date can also be written as 6/3. OJ Simpson was born on 63 date numerology.
    He died on 50 date numerology. OJ Simpson = 50.
    He died while OJ Simpson is 73 years old. Ritual Sacrifice = 73. Sacrifice = 73.
    He died 25 years after the OJ Simpson trail ended. Death = 25. June 3 = 25.
    He died on 30 date numerology. Lawyer = 30.
    He died on the 154th day of the year. Ritual Sacrifice = 154.
    June 3 = 53. F. Lee Bailey = 53.
    June Third = 46. F. Lee Bailey = 46. Sacrifice = 46. (He died on a “Thursday“ = 46.)

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