Fred Dean, former San Francisco 49er, dead at 68, October 14, 2020

Celebrity Entertainment Murder by Numbers Sports

Fred Dead is dead at age 68, supposedly from coronavirus, which was coined in 1968… Keep in mind he died October 14, 2020, the 44 / 64 date.

10/14/20 = 10+14+20 = 44 *Kill = 44

10/14/2020 = 10+14+20+20 = 64 *Kill = 64

Keep in mind he has died before the Sunday games, which will fall on October 18, 2020, a date with 68 numerology, and the day leaving 74 days in the year. Of course, Dean wore #74 for the 49ers.

10/18/2020 = 10+18+20+20 = 68 *San Francisco = 68

If the 49ers lose to the Rams, they will also pick up their 68th loss vs. the Rams.

He died 233 days after his birthday, the 51st prime, or 13th tri. number.

NFL = 13

Year of 51st Super Bowl of the modern era

He died a span of 133 days from his upcoming birthday. *Football = 133

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