From the anniversary of Nevermind’s release to Kurt Cobain’s April 5, 1994 death & the relation to Courtney Love through The High Priestess Tarot Card

Catholic Church Celebrity Entertainment Jesuit Murder by Numbers Tarot
*Nevermind was released on the day leaving 98-days left in the year and Kurt Cobain was found on the 98th day of 1994

From the anniversary of the release of Nevermind to the death of Kurt Cobain was 193-days, the 44th prime, corresponding with the fact that Cobain supposedly committed suicide 44-days after his birthday, February 20, 1994.
Cobain = 44
Seattle = 44
Kill = 44

He died in ’94, in Seattle, Washington, 94-days after Bill and Melinda Gates were married, the same couple that met in ’87, when Nirvana was formed.
Buddhist = 87
Bill Gates = 87

Roman Catholic Church = 94

Also interesting, from the 9/24/1991 release to the death was 924-days later.

That was 132-weeks *Catholic Church = 132 *Roman Catholic = 132 *United States of America = 132

The number 924 is associated with the Tarot Card, The High Priestess. That card is also related to Ishtar and ‘Love.’ His wife at the time was Courtney Love.
The High Priestess = 924
Love = 54 / 54
-Courtney = 95
-April 5, 95th day

The High Priestess = 87 (Nirvana established in ’87)

Again, the date can be written 5/4, like 54.

And recall, he died on the 95th day of the year.
Courtney = 95
-He died 95-days before Courtney’s July 9 birthday

And he died on Dave Grohl’s 81st day of his age.
Dave Grohl = 81 / 81
Mark of the Beast = 81
-Revelation 13:2 relates to the beast

And he died 206-days before Bill Gates’ birthday
-Seattle, (206) area code
-Sacrifice = 206

And he died 322-days after the Pope’s 73rd birthday, May 18, 1993 (John Paul II)
-46 weeks
-Catholic = 46
-Sacrifice = 46

And he was found in a greenhouse.
Greenhouse = 45 / 54
Jesuit Order = 54
IHS = 45
-4/5 or 5/4 date


  1. 357986 on April 6, 2022 at 7:01 am

    Good morning! Love = 54, I like that. Here’s another decode for Bobby Rydell:

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