General Milley changes prediction for Russia-Ukraine war from 72-hours to “years,” on the 95th day of the year, in clear Jesuit tribute

Federal Government Jesuit Military New World Order News War World War

72-hours! *Jesuit Order = 72
-Jesuits created on 72 date
-Jesuits created in 72 land *Paris = 72
-Jesuits abuse the number 72 endlessly…

This news broke on the 95th day of the year, and the Jesuit military order was established to counter and kill the 95 Theses supporters.

This headline is getting heavy circulation April 6, 2022, the 42nd day of the Russia-Ukraine military conflict, which is extremely fitting.
World War = 42
War = 42
Jesuit = 42
Freemason = 42
TV = 42

Notice his original predictions were on the 33rd and 34th day of the year.
Ukraine = 34
War Games = 33
War Zone = 33
Order = 33
Secrecy = 33
Masonry = 33

His prediction changed 63-days later, while he is 63-years-old.
John Carroll = 63 (Famous Jesuit in D.C.)

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