Governor Greg Abbott of Texas lifts coronavirus restrictions, March 2, 2021

Coronavirus Government News


This news comes on the 61st day of the year, and 15 weeks and 5 days into Greg Abbott’s age.

Coronavirus = 155
Greg Abbott = 56 *Coronavirus = 56

And Bryson has these details as well.


  1. THETRUTH on March 3, 2021 at 8:07 am

    Do you see where this is headed?

    You have to be a spiritual reprobate not to see…
    REP’ROBATE, noun A person abandoned to sin; one lost to virtue and religion.
    – Webster’s Dictionary 1828

  2. artermix on March 3, 2021 at 7:07 pm

    @ THETRUTH…..yes this was the plan from the beginning. Eventually they will reveal it and it will be fine for most people of this planet.
    The goal is to destroy anyone who is against it, but expecially Christians and Atheists. The first group worships the other god the second group deny the worshipping and we know these people need the worshipping for their ego.

    Texas = EE 906/redux 6=
    same cyphers of …..-Complete Control (the Jesuits have complete control of the situation)
    -Slave Nation (TX annex to the US, its slave nation. US pretend independency from Britain. US is the Slave nation)
    -Social Crown (Corona) Social Corona this could have double meaning.
    – Secrecy
    – Brexit (Texas lawmaker to file bill calling for vote on secession from US )
    -Department of Defense (a reminder of governament involvment in the Waco Siege) back in 1993
    “it is now time” = 156 (FR) killer virus and with NOW anagram of NWO this is cleverly used in other “spells”.

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