Guinness Heiress Honor Uloth, dead at 19, after drowning in a pool, November 16, 2020 news

Honor Uloth = 56 *Number of the year

This news comes 108 days after her accidental drowning.

Furthermore, it was released on November 16, 2020, the day leaving 45 days in the year.

Notice how ‘Guinness’ and ‘geometry’ both equate to 36 / 45 / 108 / 108.
Furthermore, notice how July 31 is the day leaving 153 days in the year.

153 and the Jesuit Order.

153 is the 17th triangular number

And again, her name sums to 56, like ‘Society of Jesus’.

Their slogan: IS GOOD FOR YOU.

Notice how Guinness Heiress fits in, summing to 191 and 74.
She died August 6, like 8/6, or 86.

67, 19th prime *Dead at age 19
For one last point, she died 170 days after her birthday. *Sacrifice = 170

You could also say she was put to rest on her 177th day of her age.
*The Jesuit Order = 177 *New World Order = 177