Gunman opens fire outside of St. John the Divine Cathedral in Manhattan, December 13, 2020

Catholic Church Jesuit News Police State Shooting Uncategorized
*St. John the Divine = 74 / 79 / 182 / 223

12/13/2020 = 12+13+20+20 = 65 *Christianity = 65

This shooting comes SUNDAY, December 13, 2020, four days before Pope Francis 84th birthday, that special number to the Jesuit Order, which he is a member of. Notice how the name of the church, ‘Cathedral of St. John the Divine’ equates to 122, like Pope Francis and ‘Iesus Hominum Salvator’.

Pope Francis is the 266th Pope.

Pope Francis spoke in D.C., September 23, 2015, the 266th day of the year.

The New York Times has this standout reporting, including the 56 year old witness, Matthew Bishop…


And notice the suspect is a 52 year old. *Pope = 52

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