Hakeem Jeffries to succeed Nancy Pelosi as leader of Democrats in House, November 30, 2022
Today is his 119th day of his age.
Hakeem = 119
Today leaves 31 days in the day and has 11 date numerology.
31, 11th prime
Black = 11
11/30/2022 = 1+1+3+0+2+0+2+2 = 11
Keep in mind it is the last day of the 11th month.
Read about his bit for the position coming 106 days after his birthday here.
Black = 106
Notice the 11:34 post time.
Black = 11 / 34
And again, he takes this position at age 52.
Government = 52
Authority = 52
*Nancy Pelosi = 52 (Who he replaces)
Of course, Pelosi was the 52nd Speaker of the House.