Beauty Queen, Halle Berry, and how her Super Bowl 56 intro was perfect for the Year of the Tiger, the Royal Family Bowl

Astrology Celebrity Entertainment Sports

Notice Halle Berry is in her 56th year of life, and from Cleveland, Ohio, the original home of the Rams, who won Super Bowl 56, after getting Odell Beckham Jr. from Cleveland on November 5, the day leaving 56-days in the year.

Also, with ‘Eye of the Tiger’ being a big theme in the game, notice how her full name syncs with her August 14 birthday, and the name of the song.

Eye of the Tiger = 148 / 76
Tiger = 76
-The film came out in 1982, on the 148th day of the year (May 28)

The Bengals 76th franchise win was vs. the Rams, and Super Bowl 56 was played 76-days after Joe Burrow’s father’s birthday, in the “Year of the Tiger.”

Also, the game was 26-weeks after her birthday and 26-weeks before her next. As we know, the Queen, a Fire Tiger, was also a big theme.
Queen = 26


  1. Aaravos on February 14, 2022 at 8:05 am

    Today Halle Berry is 666 months old

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