Hawaii Governor says “fire hurricane” is the result of global warming, August 13, 2023 (and Moana)

Notice, the death toll was at 93 on a “Sunday,” while Governor Josh Green called the devastating storm that wiped out Lahaina a “fire hurricane.” It goes with the tragedy being synced with The Rock’s announcement of the new Moana on April 3, 2023, the 93rd day of the year, and the fact that the fire monster in the film has a hurricane symbol on its chest.
Order of Illuminati = 93

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This story came 183-days after Josh Green’s birthday.
“Joshua Booth Green” = 183
Or on the 184th day of his age.
“God’s Punishment” = 184
This came 8-months and 8-days after Josh Green took office, going with the Maui fires starting on 8/8.
This also came 251-days after he took office. 251, the 54th prime;”Jesuit” = 54
This was also 3-months and 22-days before the 1 year anniversary of him taking office.
“Global Warming” = 134
“The Maui Fires” = 134
“Maui Fire” = 134
The Rock’s announcement of the new Moana movie came 51-days after Josh Green’s birthday, going with The Rock turning 51 this year.
“Hawaii” = 51(This story came 51-weeks after Hawaii’s state birthday)
“Hurricane Fire” = 81/81
“Ritual” = 81/81
*The Rock’s 51st birthday came on the 81st day of Josh Green’s age, or 80-days after.
“The Rock” = 80
“Satan” = 80
“Josh Green” = 43(The Rock’s announcement on 4/3)
“Very Real” = 43
“Josh Green” = 47/101/142
“Maui Fires” = 47/101/142
“Terrorist” = 101/142
“Fire Hurricane” = 216
“Directed Energy Weapon” = 216
(216 = 6X6X6, the Number of the Beast in Revelation)
“Hawaii” = 666
“D.E.W.” = 49
“Green” = 49
“Revelation” = 49(Fire in the book of Revelation is a symbol of God’s judgement against the wicked)
“Purposeful” = 49/50/121/149
“Revelation” = 49/50/121/149
“Hurricane Fire” = 135
“Burning Bush” = 135
*Exodus 3:2-5 is about the burning bush.
“Exodus 3:2-5” = 98(Maui fires began 98-days after The Rock’s birthday)
“Exodus 3:2-5” = 35
“The Rock” = 35
“Fire God” = 35
“Satan” = 35
“God’s Will” = 38
“Fire” = 38
This story came a span of 20-weeks and 1 day from the end of the year.
“Hurricane Fire” and “Global Warming” are both 13-letters(news on the 13th of August)
8/13/2023 = 8+13+2+0+2+3 = 28:”Maui” = 28;”Kill” = 28
8/13/23 = 8+13+23 = 44:”Maui” = 44;”Kill” = 44
8/13/2023 = 8+13+20+23 = 64;”Maui” = 64;”Kill” = 64
“Maui Fires” is 9-letters
“Josh Green” is 9-letters
*This story came a span of 9-days from the anniversary of Hawaii becoming a state.
“Sun” = 9(sun is fire)
This came a span of 127-days from Pope Francis’s birthday.
“Fire and Fury” = 127