Henry Kissinger, dead at 100, November 29, 2023
Henry Kissinger is dead on his 187th day of his age, November 29, 2023.
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=187
Brotherhood of Death=187
Holy Roman Empire=187
Society of Jesus=187
George Washington=187
Washington DC=187
It all goes back to the 187 chapters in the Torah. Abrahamic=187
Kissinger is also known for murder, and fittingly, he has died on 83 date numerology.
11/29/2023=11+29+20+23=83, Murder=83
Of course, 83 is the 23rd prime, and he is dead in ’23, like how he was born in ’23.
Judaism=23, Jew=11 (Dead in the 11th month)
He is also dead 83 years after this New York Times headline.
Notice, he is dead 54 days after the anniversary of that article, which was the day before the war began by the numbers in Israel. *Jesuit Order=54 *Bavaria=54
Kissinger was from Bavaria, where the Illuminati was founded by the Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt.
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November 29, 2023 : Day 333 of the year
Fairytale of New York singer, Shane MacGowan dead exactly a span of 8383 days after the death of fellow Fairytale of New York singer, Kirsty MacColl (She died 4774 days after the song’s release).
His death comes just two weeks before the 23rd anniversary of hers.
(And as we well know)
83 the 23rd prime