Hermits Peak Fire & Calf Canyon Fires and the start 201-days before the New Mexico Governor’s birthday, April 6, 2022

The Hermits Peak Fire in New Mexico began April 6, 2022 and the Calf Canyon Fire began April 19, on “Ignatius of Loyola Day.” Then they merged on April 22 and have been doing unprecedented damage in New Mexico ever since.
Ordo Ab Chao = 46
Chaos = 46
*Catholic = 46
It also began on a 52 date numerology, the number associated with weather warfare.
4/6/2022 = 4+6+20+22 = 52
Earth = 52

The April 6 fire began 201-days before the Governor’s 63rd birthday.
The Jesuit Order = 201
Ignatius of Loyola = 201
Weather Control = 201

See JFK’s speech on weather control, September 25, 1961.