Hurricane Hilary moving faster than anticipated on Bill Clinton’s birthday, August 19, 2023

It’s Bill Clinton’s birthday and Hilary is moving fast, so Monica must be blowing again.
Notice the numbers.

Today is 27 days after Monica’s birthday, or her 28th day of her age.
Ritual = 27
Monica = 28
Her and Bill are 27-years-apart.
And in light of Monica being 50, she is from the 50 city, San Francisco.
San Francisco = 50
And we know where the parallel is with what happened in Maui, in the 50th state. Again, California is expected to be flooding on Hawaii’s birthday, August 21.

And how that 110 MPH reference?
President = 110
The reports are the Southwest will get flooded on the 20th and 21.
August 20 leaves 133 days in the year. *President = 133
August 21 leaves 132 days in the year. *132 rooms in the White House