India becomes fourth country to land on moon, August 23, 2023, Keith Moon’s birthday

Keith Moon would have been 77 today.
Secret Society = 77
United States = 77
DC on the 77th Meridian. Nearly every astronaut to have gone to space was a Mason. DC is known as the Masonic City. Of course, the Scottish Rite Temple in DC has the shrine dedicated to NASA.

Correct, 56 minutes after the hour. Funny!
Freemasons = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
He died 14 days before his birthday.
Dead = 14
End = 14 & 23 (It is 2023)
It has been 44 years and change since his death.
Space = 44
Armstrong = 44
Cancer = 44 (Ruled by the moon) (4th astrological sign)

Keith Moon died on September 7, or 9/7, or 7/9.
Death = 97
Murder = 79
Society of Jesus = 79
And his name was fateful.
Keith John Moon = 67
Blood Sacrifice = 67
Human Sacrifice = 67