India becomes fourth nation to land a space ship on the moon, August 23, 2023

The fourth? Again, cancer, the fourth sign, is ruled by the moon.
Also, today is 33 days after the anniversary of when man first walked on the moon, July 21, 1969. And it is 34 days after the July 20 lunar orbiter landing anniversary.
Lunar = 33 & 21
Indian = 33
Masonry = 33
Secrecy = 33
Order = 33

And notice this ship launched on July 14, or 14/7.
Outer Space = 147
Space Ship = 147
Freemason = 147
Conspiracy = 147
I imagine the 41 days is a tribute to the USA.
Fourteen = 41
USA = 41
And you have to love the 47 tribute with Russia.
Today is also the 235th day of the year. *The Society of Jesus = 235
It goes with it being 54 years after the 1969 moon mission, the first. *Jesuit Order = 54