Jair Bolsonaro, President of Brazil, tests positive for coronavirus, July 7, 2020, 263 days after Event 201

Coronavirus Government Jesuit New World Order

This news comes Tuesday, July 7, 2020, a date with 54 numerology, and the day leaving 177 days left in the year.

Jesuit Order = 54 *7/7/2020 = 7+7+20+20 = 54

The Jesuit Order = 177

Remember, they did the giant JFK ritual with him when he. became president, and JFK was killed 177 days after his birthday. Read more here: https://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/search?q=Jair+Bolsonaro+jfk

Jair Bolsonaro = 149 (35th prime) *JFK was 35th President

*Zapruder Film = 35

Jair Bolsonaro = 59 *John F. Kennedy = 59

This news comes 108 days after Jair’s 65th birthday.

Dealey Plaza = 108


38 degree Celsius?


He is 65 years old.

Pandemic = 65

The Event 201 coronavirus outbreak simulation focuses on Brazil, and in that simulation 65 million people die.

And for the clincher, today’s news comes 263 days after Event 201, October 18, 2019, and 263 is the 56th prime.

Notice how CNN put the emphasis on ‘well’.

Brazil = 68 / 94 *Coronavirus coined in 1968

Coronavirus Pandemic = 94 *Roman Catholic Church = 94

In light of this coming on a Tuesday, it is named after Mars, having Jewish Gematria of 201, like ‘Roman’. And again, 201 is the number of the Jesuits, who serve the Roman Catholic Church.

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