Jason Voorhees June 13, 1946 birthday

Entertainment History Jesuit

Notice Jason was born on June 13, 1946 (a Thursday).

June 13 leaves 201 days in the year.

And fittingly, the first film was released May 9, 1980, the 129th day of the year.
129 is 201 in base-8 counting

Also, Jason equates to 59, like the 5/9 date.
Jason = 10+1+19+15+14 = 59

Of course, the date can also be written 9/5, like 95.
Jesuits created to counter 95 Theses
The Jesuit Order = 201 / 84
6/13/1946 = 6+13+19+46 = 84
Georgetown = 129
(First Jesuit Uni.)

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