Jeff Bezos is going to space on first crewed flight of rocket, July 20, 2021, after June 7 announcement
Jeff Bezos is flying to space, July 20, 2021, the 201st day of the year, the anniversary of the moon landing.
–The Jesuit Order = 201
–Neil Alden Armstrong = 201
Keep in mind this news relates to the Seattle billionaire, and the news comes June 7, or 6/7, like 67, the 19th prime number. *Seattle = 19
Don’t overlook that Bezos is 57 right now.
-Moon = 57
-Conspiracy = 57
-Outer Space = 57
And notice the detail below about the 59-foot rocket.
-Blue Origin = 58/ 59 / 158
-Freemasonry = 58 / 59 / 158
This news comes on the 158th day of the year as well…
Remember, modern Freemasonry was created by the Jesuits Order, in 1717, in what was part of a larger 59 ritual, with the U.S. being established 59 years later (59, 17th prime).
Also important, July 20, 2021 will be the 52 year anniversary of the moon landing.
-Technology = 52 (Bezos is Mr. Big Tech)
Jeff Bezos birthday is January 12, or 1/12, like 112.
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Time is short, get truth in your soul:
to go where no man has gone before 293 140 436 121
purple rain 130 58 140 59
what do you think these guys really do when they “say” they are going to “space”?
“Jeff Bezos Space Trip” = 201 (English Ordinal)
“World’s Richest Man” = 201 (English Ordinal)
“Bezos” = 67 (English Ordinal)(this news on 6/7)
“Space” = 17 (Full Reduction)
“Star Trek” = 59 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Exploration” = 59 (Full Reduction)
“Kirk” = 59 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Tiberius” = 59 (Reverse Full Reduction)(Kirk’s middle name on the show, and also a Roman name)
“Nimoy” = 59 (Reverse Ordinal)
*”Luke” = 59 (Reverse Ordinal)(as in Skywalker)
In ‘Star Trek,’ Kirk’s fictional birthday is 3/22(Skull and Bones), which is based on Williams Shatner’s real birthday.
This space trip will come 116-days after Leonard Nimoy’s birthday.
“Jeff Bezos is going to space” = 116 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Captain James T. Kirk” = 116 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Apollo Eleven Moon Mission” = 116 (Reverse Full Reduction)
This is also a span of 117-days.
“The Blue Origin Space Rocket” = 117 (Full Reduction)
William Shatner is currently 90-years of age.
“The Final Frontier” = 90 (Full Reduction)
“The Final Frontier” = 90 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Rocket” = 90 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Star Trek” = 112 (English Ordinal)(His birthday 1/12)
“Starship Enterprise” = 112 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Enterprise” = 57 (Full Reduction)
“June 7” = 57 (English Ordinal)
“Final Frontier” = 51 (Septenary)(Moon)(Mars)
Today leaves 164-days left in the year.
“William Shatner” = 164 (English Ordinal)
*”Lost in Space” = 164 (Reverse Ordinal)(another old TV show)
It is also a span of 165-days.
“to boldly go where no man has gone before” = 165 (Full Reduction)
This news comes 77-days after William Shatner’s birthday(first Star Wars Movie release in ’77)
“Stars” = 77 (English Ordinal)
This also makes me think of the cartoon character played by Daffy Duck, ‘Duck Dodgers,’
“Duck Dodgers” = 666 (English Sumerian)(The new animated series began in 2003, 18-years ago. 6+6+6 = 18)
“Two Thousand Three” = 216 (English Ordinal)(6X6X6)
“Two Thousand Three” = 216 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Duck Dodgers of the twenty fourth and a half century” = 216 (Reverse Full Reduction)
The original cartoon released in the year 1953(1+9+5+3 = 18)
“Star System” = 666 (Reverse English Sumerian)
The space trip will come a span of 44-days from the news of the announcement.
“Space Trip” = 44 (Full Reduction)
“Space Rocket” = 44 (Full Reduction)
“Apollo 11 Moon Mission” = 91 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Modern Freemasonry” = 91 (Full Reduction)
“Star” = 13 (Full Reduction)(91, the 13th triangular)