Jim Peterik rewrites Eye of the Tiger with Joe Burrow update, February 8, 2022 news (and Sylvester Stallone)

The news broke on February 8, or 8/2, like 82.
Cincinnati, Ohio = 82
Eye of the Tiger released in ’82

Notice he is wearing purple, the color of royalty. Again, Super Bowl 56 features the Queen City, and the Queen became the head of the Royal Family after her father’s death at age 56.
Royal Family = 56
As for his name…
Jim Peterik = 116 / 53
Joe Burrow = 116 / 53

Rocky III released May 28, 1982, 124-days after the January 24 Super Bowl.
May 28, 148th day of the year
Eye of the Tiger = 148
-Eye of the Tiger = 76 / 59
-Tiger = 76 / 59

And notice, Sylvester Stallone is 75-years old right now, born on 7/6.
Cincinnati Bengals = 75
Eye of the Tiger = 76
Tiger = 76

Sylvester Enzio Stallone = 96
Cincinnati = 96
-Sylvester Stallone = 99
-Jupiter = 99
-#9 vs. #9