Joan Rivers died at 201 East 93rd St., Yorkville Endoscopy Clinic (prior to Event 201 & coronavirus)

Celebrity Death Jesuit Medical Murder by Numbers Secret Societies

The story on Joan Rivers death showed the hospital at 201 Yorkville Endoscopy.
Order of Illuminati=201 *The Jesuit Order=201
Yorkville=129 (129 is 201 in base-8 counting)

It is on 93rd Street as well. *Order of Illuminati=201 & 93
Yorkville=48 *Illuminati=48
Yorkville=51 *Illuminati founded 5/1 *Adam Weishaupt=51 (founder)

The numbers 201 and 93 have a lot to do with Saturn worship, and the first Jesuit Pope, the first to live in Suite 201, being born on Saturnalia, December 17 (for Pope Francis, in 1936).
Saturnian Order=201 & 93
Saturn Worship=201
Sacrifice to Saturn=201

Many people would die after Event 201, due to “Covid,” from similar circumstances Joan Rivers died to, lack of oxygen, in a medical building.

Keep in mind she died September 4, or 9/4. *Coronavirus Pandemic=94

It was a big number with the Pandemic. *Wuhan Coronavirus=93

Watch the story below.

Joan Rivers was born June 8, and died September 4. *Planet=68 & 94 *Helios=68 & 94

*68 & 94 are big number with the Catholic Church, mathematics & the implementation of the calendar.

Helios is the root word of Heliocentrism. *Heliocentrism=201

Her daughter was born in ’68, on 20/1, the 201st day of the nation’s age. *Melissa Endicott=93

She died 540 days after Pope Francis became Pope. *Jesuit Order=54 * Sun=54

You get the best view of Saturn every 54 weeks from Earth. *Melissa Rosenberg=251 (54th prime)

Cable 54, the enemy of the world. Joan Rivers is a person who made a career on comedic hating on others on cable (Bavaria=54 — where the “201” or “Illuminati” was founded).

For one last point, Joan died 88 days after her birthday. *Poison=88 *Arsenic Poisoning=88

She was also 81 when she died from “Cerebral hypoxia.” *Ritual=81 & 81

Joan Alexandra Molinsky=85 & 122 *Iesus Hominum Salvator=85 & 122

She died 1870 days before Event 201. *Society of Jesus=187 (187, homicide code)
Society of Jesus=187 & 56 *Coronavirus=56 *Covid Vaccine=56


  1. Truther on July 8, 2024 at 9:40 pm

    Every time you talk about how bad censorship is and how people should work together I just have to laugh. How can you look into the mirror Zachary? Truth will always win, as I said, I’m not going to stop posting until you apologize for your blatant lies spoken on our names:

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